it's been a while since i've posted some here're some random pictures...along with some random stories...
1. i bought 20 new tetras for my fish tank about 3 weeks ago. last night, that number dwindled down to a measely 6 for no apparent carcasses, no nothing.
so last night, i did a little detective work...and i had the misfortune of witnessing the most unexpected behaviour from chua en lai (my pleco, aka sucker fish...go figure).
anyway, i saw him sucking one of the tetras right into his mouth while it was still sleeping! i bluff you not! i think i have a monster on my hands...

the culprit
chua en lai is getting too big for my tank...and plus, i don't think he's getting along with his tankmates very well...they're quite petrified actually...all 6 inches of him. i might have to sentence him to the botanic gardens' swan lake if he keeps this up. i'll give him another 6 chances at most to prove himself herbivorous.
2. i discovered a function on my camera phone that i hadn't used before...this effect called "negative".
having snapple at the wheelock coffee bean...

for some strange reason, the ballerina thingy that they placed outside of wheelock place during the christmas period was very popular...

3. on christmas eve, jason, wayne, joseph and i went back to nus to see see look look. this used to be my playground...

i could almost see the outline of my sweat on the ground from 5-10 years ago...those that probably would have been better placed in the library studying...haha.
4. i saw this
delorean dmc-12 at my mechanic's shop a few months ago...and if you're wondering why it looks so familiar, that's cuz it's the same car in the movie "
back to the future", starring michael j. fox *cringe* as marty mcfly.
don't we all wish we had a time machine at some point in our lives?

anyway, this is a pretty rare car...there're only like 6,500 of them left according to, the fact that my mechanic can fix it gives me a feeling that the skymobile is in good hands. haha.
alrighty...that's all for now...have yourselves a good day / night...excuse me while i go keep an eye on chua en lai.
cheers. =)