we're finally at the finale of adventure cambosky day 3...it took a while to upload, but in case you've missed the other installments, episodes 1 and 2 are
here and
there respectively.

adventure cambosky - day 3 (episode 3)
after the long morning trip to angkor thom (as per episode 2), we decided to skip lunch and head straight for another highlight of the angkorian temples...ta prohm...the place where they filmed tomb raider starring angelina jolie...

ta prohm entrance
as in the movie, the trees were the main feature of this venue...that's if you take ms. jolie out of the picture...haha...

ta prohm tree
apparently, ta prohm was left more or less in the state that the european explorers found them in...by the way, ta prohm was my favourite temple in siem reap (next to angkor wat of course, which is everyone and anyone's favourite)...i think it's the way that nature has blended in so well with the man-made infrastructure over time...it makes it seem like such a magical and mystical place...
anyway, i liked it so much that i used up two sets of batteries taking the numerous pictures in ta prohm...which left me with almost nothing for the remainder of the trip...oh well, no regrets... =)
i initially wanted to take the whole of ta prohm in black and white...

ta prohm 1

ta prohm 2
and then there was light...

ta prohm 3

ta prohm 4

ta prohm 5

ta prohm 6

ta prohm 7

ta prohm 8

ta prohm 9

ta prohm 10
(note: as mentioned previously, i used up most of my batteries at ta prohm...so i had to use a bit more discretion on my picture-taking after that...)after ta prohm, we went to another place called preah khan...which was another huge complex temple...endless mazes of corridors and whatnots...but unfortunately, i only had enough batteries (and energy) to take a few shots...

preah khan

josonsky preah khan
by this time, around 4pm or so, we were all basically drained of our energy from day 3's activities...but cambo jo insisted on visiting another few temples to make our 3-day pass worth it...so we went to this dried up pond temple thingy...where i managed to get one picture...check out the tired faces. haha.

josonsky neak pean
finally, we reached the last of the
11 temples that we would visit on adventure cambosky day 3...ta keo...

ta keo
as we all reached the pinnacle of our trip...

jason ta keo

cambo jo ta keo
i had time to reflect on my trip...

moby ta keo
and before we knew it, it was time to say adios to the temples of angkor...

josonsky ta keo
after that, no more batteries, no more pictures to share...all the rest are in my bank of memories...deposits only, thank you very much. =)
cambodia is a country still living in poverty, and is still struggling to get back on her feet...heam, our driver on day 1, told us that about 70% of the people in phnom penh are unemployed. throughout our stay, there were beggars on almost every street corner...and more often than not, they were children...which was really sad, but VERY real.
having said all that, change does take time...and persistence...i just hope that when cambodia regains her standing again, she will remain standing.
singapore has become my home for more than a decade now...14 years in fact...and in this time, i have almost become singaporeanised...in the sense that i sometimes take things for granted...i sometimes complain about the most insignificant things...and i sometimes think that i deserve better from life. however, this trip to cambodia has changed a lot in my perspective of things...it has taught me many a lessons that even nus couldn't have conjured up in their most "creative" of classrooms.
think about it...you might want to take a tutorial in
real life one of these days too.
cheers. =)