Tuesday, October 04, 2005

upfront and direct

i'm a very direct and upfront kinda guy. i like to be direct, and i like people being direct with me. i don't like beating around the bush and going on a whole detour around a simple issue (which is why work sucks)...

if you're happy and you know it fucking clap your hands lah...don't pretend to clap and then clap a few minutes after the song and complain that you missed your chance. of course, you have to be TACTFUL when you're direct too lah...i trust you people know what i'm talking about.

too many "misunderstandings" and "miscommunications" come about from people not being direct enough. too many feelings are hurt, friendships lost, confusing and awkward silences...all simply because i thought this when you thought that but we should have and could have talked about it earlier if it were more out in the open.

trust me. you'd feel the same way too if your last relationship ended with an email.


furfur angel said...

its the "u think I thought who confirm" theory

Adrian said...

I think I have very few friends precisely because of the fact that I am too direct. But then, I don't like having lots of friends anyway, so it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what you're referring to exactly but on some levels I feel the same way. By nature I'm a direct sort AND I would like to be direct... but even then I don't know why sometimes I hold back and not say anything. I guess it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. Sigh. It's all the assumptions and underlying currents of human communications.

Anonymous said...

such is the irony of life, isnt it? some people claim that they keep mum or tell u half-truths to protect u. but end up hurting u more than ever.

whatever it is, i say carpe diem. seize the day. the moment may just slip u by. say it when u want to. it might not have the same impact at other times.

miss ene said...

I also very direct one. And that means I hate having to craft PR work emails when all I want to tell them is : CAN YOU PUT THAT MATTER BETWEEN YOUR EARS TO BETTER USE SO THAT WE WILL ALL HAVE A BETTER WORK LIFE ?

But no, I end up writing : I would appreciate if you could....

I have always daydreamed of the day when I can write work emails the way they should really sound. Direct and in-your-face.

Oh well :)