Wednesday, November 02, 2005


have you ever looked for a pair of socks in a bottomless drawer? it took me fucking 15 mins today to find a matching pair. tomorrow the search will continue again. and yeah boss, that's why i only came at 11am if you'll excuse me, i gotta go for an "appointment" at farrer road...haha. =)


miss ene said...

Just make sure that both socks are folded into each other before you put it into the bottomless drawer. QED :)

Late for work because you can't find your socks. Definitely a new excuse to keep in mind.

Oh wait. I don't wear socks to work. Darn.

GraceYuMommy said...

ene's advice is sound.

i think you need a wife.

ha ha

Anonymous said...

I roll both sides together into a ball and throw them into the drawer. They'll never get separated. Guess you just needed an excuse to report to work late lah!

Chelonia Munnster said...

Hey... I have seen the great Sock Monster myself, I tell ya. It always eats up my socks whether they are rolled into balls or folded neatly. It lives in the bottomless pit of the Loch Laundry Basket. I am looking for a suitable candidate to fill in the position of Missing Socks Investigator/Replacement Officer. My socks go missing the moment they are dried. The Sock Monster has a special affinity for Byford socks. Dammit.

moby sky said...

there is nothing more frustrating than looking for a matching pair of socks..i swear...i think finding a girlfriend would be least i would still be able to accept her if she's of a different size, stlye or colour. as for socks, pair means such thing as compromise...