Monday, July 10, 2006

no regrets

we all have had instances in our lives when we would wish for a time machine...a contraption which could take us back a few years, a few months, a few days, or even just a few minutes in the undo / redo / erase something that went wrong. i know i would have begged, borrowed and / or killed for such a machine more than a few times in my life...

but on retrospect, i feel that if those things didn't happen to me, if i didn't make those mistakes and learned from them, and if i had made every single decision correctly, i wouldn't be the person that i am today...what doesn't kill you, blah blah's true.

it's tough accepting defeat, and it's always painful especially with matters of the heart. a male's ego is very fragile, and can be burst with the slightest touch. the important thing is knowing how to get up, dust off the anguish, and start learning the life lessons...and to keep learning...

no regrets. you can do it.

cheers. =)


weilun desmond said...

hmm.moby..u know whaT? i just wrote a post recently that's on this topic too.hah.guess its time for self-reflection for everyone.

Xuan-er said...

this post, triggers me into thoughts. I also had a post recently, hoping to walk back to a certain.
But, like you said "if those things didn't happen to me,i wouldn't be the person that i am today" How true, but some times it takes time and really alot alot alot of effort.
cheers! =)