Saturday, July 15, 2006


moby swings into car park at club street.

car park auntie 1 (cpa1): let's get him good.
car park auntie 2 (cpa2): yeah!

moby finds a shaded area to park.

cpa1: wait...wait...he's reversing...steady...steady...
cpa2: yeah!

moby finally parks car.

cpa1: don't show yourself just yet my dear...
cpa2: yeah!

moby puts $2 parking coupons which lasts for one hour.

cpa1: damn it.
cpa2: damn it.

moby leaves for appointment.

cpa1: no worries, we just hang around till the idiot's coupon expires...
cpa2: yeah!

*57 minutes later*

moby comes back to the car park to replenish parking coupon.

cpa1: shit. this guy is good.
cpa2: yeah!

moby puts an additional $1 parking coupon for another 30 minutes parking.

cpa1: so it's a test of endurance now huh?
cpa2: yeah!
cpa1: shut up. we'll outlast him if it's the last thing we do on our underpaid but overworked shift!
cpa2: yeah!

moby gets delayed for 30 minutes at customer's office cuz of unnecessary nonsense from crazy customer.

cpa2: shall we move in now? shall we move in now??
cpa1: no, my dear grasshopper...we's much too early. are you drunk by the way?

moby's customer continues his charade of complaints.

cpa2: now? now?
cpa1: ok, ok...i know this is your first time, so i'll let you issue the ticket even though it's just 21 minutes late...
cpa2: wow! yeah!

moby comes back to:


sigh. =|


furfur angel said...

ala u poor boy!!!

Chelonia Munnster said...

hello bro! u dunno club street is the parking pontianak's favorite hangout? they all go there to 'reach their quota' before reporting back at URA mah.. dun believe ask BM.

if u wanna park, then park at the pavement... knn... the pontianak all blur because over there there's no parking lines so it is out of their jurisdiction.

Anonymous said...

*sayang moby* - Angelic

Lawrence and Alicia said...

$6 only.. Chey!