Tuesday, August 15, 2006

the princess and the toad

one day, a princess said to a toad,
let's be friends, friends till we're old.
the toad said ok, sure...why not,
so off they went, without a thought.

on the second day, the princess cried,
pain! please come here right by my side.
the toad said ok, sure...i'm here,
when you're in trouble, the solution is near.

on the third day, the princess weeped and mumbled,
don't leave me here, in case i stumble.
the toad said ok, sure...no fear,
what can't be solved with hope, my dear?

on the fourth day, the princess (fine and placated),
said: toad, i want to be elated.
the toad said ok, sure...no hurry,
the best will be coming, don't you ever worry.

on the fifth day, the princess demanded and groaned,
why you never call? why you never even phoned?
the toad said ok, sure...my mistake,
i'll try harder next time, just for your sake.

on the sixth day, the princess wailed and deplored,
sob, sob!!! you don't even love me anymore!
the toad said ok, sure...i'll try,
but princess, i'm one...i'm only one guy!

on the seventh day, the princess roared and demanded,
that the toad was owned, and was to be branded.
the toad said ok, sure...i'll hold,
was anyone around to see him explode?

- moby sky


BigBrownBearBear said...

Wah pianz...take care siah.

Anonymous said...

dude, wtf happened?

Anonymous said...

what about the princess,has anyone imagined how she felt?

BigBrownBearBear said...

Princesses are a dime a dozen.

Now...Frogs that have princesses that take careful notice of....is a wee-bit rarer.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - if you have no idea what happened, then I think it's rather presumptuous of you to jump to conclusions, right?

Unless you are actually a toad… if that’s the case, jump away (or hop, wobble... whatever amphibians do to get from Point A to B)

It's scary that you can never tell if someone is actually human or not on the internet.