Tuesday, May 29, 2007


*during a smoke break today at the office*

colleague i don't know (cidk): hey, there's a spider on you.
other team sales manager (otsm): ahhhhh! get it off, get it off! ahhhhh!

*cidk brushes the eight footed monster off her shoulder.*

otsm: i hate insects...
moby: technically, a spider's not really an insect...it's an arachnid. btw, it's still on you...

*moby flicks the arachnid away from her arm...and right onto her crotch region (where the zipper is...she was wearing pants)*

otsm: ahhhhh!!!! get it off, get it off!!! ahhhhh!
moby: err...
cidk: err...
*the two non-managerial staff look at each other and laugh in unison*

cidk: sorry boss, but you're on your own. haha.
moby: haha. yeah...can't help you THERE.

otsm: ahhhhh! ahhhhh! ahhhhh! just do it! i give you permission!
moby & cidk: hahaha. sorry.

*otsm finally uses her ricola box to brush the beast away...and glares at moby and cidk*

otsm: hmph.
moby: hey...sensitive lah...hahaha. no hard feelings ok? hahaha.
cidk: eh, i could have lost my job for all i know loh. haha. got cameras around here leh. hahaha.
otsm: i gave you all permission what.
moby: haha. a picture paints a thousand words.
cidk: hahahaha.
otsm: ...

she kinda gives the term "fuck spider" new meaning hor. haha...a moment of laughter on an otherwise rainy day. =)


Anonymous said...

i applaud your extensive knowledge. to be honest, at first i was just about to correct your statement on the spider is not an insect thing. but after further research on wikipedia i found out that my definition of insects was based on classical classification.

Originally, the animal kingdom or animalia was divided into 5 classes, vermes or worms, insecta or insects, amphibia, aves or birdies, and mammalia. but now, they divide and subdivided into phylums and subphylums. and it turns out, that arachnida or spiders are of different class than insecta, but the same subphylums.

Anonymous said...

i applaud your extensive knowledge. to be honest, at first i was just about to correct your statement on the spider is not an insect thing. but after further research on wikipedia i found out that my definition of insects was based on classical classification.

Originally, the animal kingdom or animalia was divided into 5 classes, vermes or worms, insecta or insects, amphibia, aves or birdies, and mammalia. but now, they divide and subdivided into phylums and subphylums. and it turns out, that arachnida or spiders are of different class than insecta, but the same subphylums

moby sky said...

anonymous...wow...i didn't know that...i actually learned that from the movie "arachnophobia"...haha. thanks for confirming it though. =)