Sunday, August 24, 2008


night fishing...first catch...

WTF is that???



i think this fishing thing is quite infectious...especially when i'm catching weird stuff.

luck plays a large part as well, of which i've had quite a bit of when it comes to fishing...although i might add that it has seemingly deserted me in the other aspects of life. hmmm...

note to self: like they always create your own luck.

cheers. =)


Ewok said...

i don't think you're meant to hold an octopus like that... lol

Anonymous said...

oh man looks gross tho am sure is yummy stirfried with basil and garlic *slurp* :O...

moby sky said...

ewok...yeah, i think i was stretching it a wonder it tasted like rubber bands...haha.

sotongtong...well...all i can say is that octopus is not like fine wine...and also that octopus are not sotong. haha. cheers. =)