Wednesday, October 12, 2005

quidam - the real thing

i just came back from cirque du soleil. it didn't really come out the way i planned it: first, a nice and slow birthday dinner for my dad at the intercontinental hotel, and then a cake from somewhere along with a birthday song, and then a stroll down to le grande chapiteau (at the junction of rochor and beach roads) to catch the performance.

my parents reached bugis at 7.20pm. the performance started at 8 pm. sigh...traffic jams everywhere...damn it LTA, do something about it lah fuck...don't force me to join your lame-ass organisation. we had to rush through my dad's birthday dinner at thai express in 20 minutes...and didn't have time for the cake...not to mention the song...oh well...

anyway, we went, we saw, and we liked.

quidam has a very dark theme. all the other cirque du soleil performances that i've watched, saltimbanco and alegria, were very happy-happy-clap-hand kinda affairs, with lots of colours and lively music. quidam doesn't really have much of that...

as i mentioned in my previous post, "Quidam is a nameless passer-by, a solitary figure lingering on a street corner, a person rushing past. It could be anyone, anybody. Someone coming, going, living in our anonymous society. A member of the crowd, one of the silent majority. The one who cries out, sings and dreams within us all."

the opening scene starts with this family sitting at home minding their own business...where the mom and dad obviously ignoring a young girl's attention...when suddenly this headless person (who i interpret to be the person living in our "anonymous society") walks into the room and drops a hat. the young girl picks up the hat, puts it on, and embarks on a wild journey through her imagination and creativity. along the way, there are rather gloomy scenes (you can always tell from the background music...which was very nicely arranged btw...and played live some more...) with thunder and lightning incorporated to emphasize the dread of walking the lonely path. in between the different performance acts, there were many dances by people wearing white-overalls-covering-their-heads-and-faces that were definitely choreographed to induce wonder and awe (to the effect of "wtf are they doing? this is so weird...i gotta interpret this later if i can remember the moves"), and also to accentuate the feeling of faceless strangers..."nameless passersby". in general, you get a weird, eccentric and borderline-eerie kinda feeling after watching everything...which is not a bad thing. in fact, my dad liked it pretty good...he laughed until he cried at one of the comic scenes involving the clown and some selected people from the crowd...quite funny...

don't get me wrong...i liked quidam quite a lot...but i still enjoy the warm fuzzy feeling at the end of the day. i hope that the next cirque du soleil comes with a free mug of hot chocolate or something. haha.

but well done cirque du soleil...till next time. au revoir. =)

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