Friday, December 09, 2005

photographsky - dempsey (wineless)

let me tell you about the time when i went to dempsey's and DIDN'T have wine...

last sunday, i went on another photographsky dempsey road with marvin. i've actually gone with him before (labrador park and changi beach club)...

this was one of the first things that we saw when we got out of my car...this picture of this church actually kinda looks like it was taken in mexico or some tropical know, like in the movies...

st. george's church, tanglin

so, we took a little walk around the back, and found these...

backyard of huge-ass-house 1

backyard of huge-ass-house 2

i stopped at two pictures cuz i could have sworn i heard the distant sound of a police car siren...

there was this huge tree that was just dying to get it's picture taken with marvin in the foreground to show it's monstrosity...

huge tree

it was later that i realised that the "aaaawoooawoooawoooaaaa" sounds were not from the police cars chasing us...

tarzan vines 1

tarzan vines 2

we then came across a border, which we later regretted crossing...

nature's barbed wire fences

cuz while i was taking this picture...

twin towers of dempsey

the foot soldiers behind the fortress fences started attacking us...the ferocious-giant-fire-ants-of-the-himalayas-with-ravenous-pinchers-the-size-of-my-fist started gnawing at our appendages!!! too bad they were too mystical in nature that they refused to appear in any of the blurred pictures that i took of's true, you have to believe me!!! (if it helps, just think of the loch ness monster and why there aren't any clear pictures of it yet)

after roasting the army of the freaking-giant-fire-ants-of-the-himalayas-with-ravenous-pinchers-the-size-of-my-fist away from our legs with my blowtorch (we were lucky to escape with only minor injuries...mainly to our egos), we managed to catch nature's own fire extinguishing act...

sunset @ dempsey 1

sunset @ dempsey 2

i was about to mention wine company / network, but it was then that marvin (who's half-indian btw) asked me outright if i had ever seen an indian drink wine...which is why we headed off to villa bali for two jugs of tiger instead.

thus ended another photographsky trip...and the only day i will ever go to dempsey without wine. =)


GraceYuMommy said...

sometime back, i passed by St George church and heard hymns coming out of it. it is a gem!

Anonymous said...

sunset's really nice! I think it's particularly beautiful at this time of the year.