Saturday, January 14, 2006

dirty laundry & boxers

i normally do my laundry when my clean boxers start running on's really a chore to me, something i dread doing...but since i'm only 5 days away from my cambodia trip, i thought i'd better do some washing today.

but then when i was hanging my laundry, i realised that i started to enjoy was actually a time when i can daydream for a while during my busy day...a sort of reflection-time-out-period. and the clothes, they bring back memories...

like when i come across one of the many jerseys that i have, i can think about where i wore it, for what matches, what the results were, the injuries involved, the joy or anguish associated, etc etc...

when i come across a shirt that someone gave me, i'd get a chance to think of that person for a split second, where they are now, on what occasion they gave the gift, what happened at that time, etc etc...

and then there are my favourite. enough said. muahahaha. >=)

i've switched from briefs to boxers since junior college, but it would have been earlier if not for the secondary school that i attended, river valley high, which insisted on embarrassing the entire male student population by forcing us to wear really short shorts (white some more) throughout our secondary school years...but my boxers were longer, and not to mention more colourful, than those damn uniform i only converted in jc. boxers give me a sense of's much less restrictive, and offers a breathe of fresh air once in a while...though there are the odd moments of stiffness, which is why it's good to have a company organiser filofax around when wearing thin pants that can't keep johnny down. silk boxers (and not aerosol foam cannisters) should be banned from orchard road. hahaha. =)

sigh. i think i've aired enough dirty laundry for, till the next time i run out of boxers then... =)


Anonymous said...

haha, my friend says that it takes certain kind of maturity for a man to wear boxers... that is he is able to keep johnny down.

The Rational Neurotic said...

you always blog about your laundry and boxers... probably there's a story about each of them haha ;p

Anonymous said...

i'm sure everyone is fascinated... >:)

moby sky said...

ting...haha...i thought that it's better to be able to keep johnny up when you get more mature...hahaha.

rational neurotic...not really...only some of them. ;)

ewok...well, you were fascinated enough to read it AND leave a comment. haha.

Jaschocolate said...

My mom dont seem to be daydreaming when she is hanging laundry.. I dont think any of the housewives are.. u must teach them your skill.. haha

furfur angel said...

boxer = sexy

moby sky said... much do you think they would be willing to pay for a lesson in daydreaming? haha...

furfur... =)

Anonymous said...

do u keep them in fridge before you put on a fresh one? try it