Wednesday, September 07, 2005

terry fox run - you'll never walk alone

after reading munnster's blog, i've decided to join the terry fox run this year. =)

i'm going for the 4km run (there's a 7.5km one too), but i don't really plan to run...i'll probably end up bringing my camera along while i stroll through sentosa, taking pictures as i don't be too impressed as of yet.

i've tried to call some people who i thought would be interested in this run too...but far too many people have "something on" that weekend...go-kart competitions lah, instant overseas holidays lah, sudden mysterious injuries lah, blah blah blah...ok...whatever...if alan heng can skip church to go, you can too.

anyway, if you wanna join me for this charitable cause, please drop me an email or something. you'll never walk alone. =)

wow! something to look forward to...after all that disappointment with cirque du soleil and charlie and the chocolate factory. =)

"There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done.
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done" and you'll do it."

It Couldn't Be Done, Edgar Albert guest read by Terry Fox on the very night during The Marathon of Hope


Jo said...

NONO is cool.
NONO is funny.
All the ah-mahs love NONO. But NONO only loves the pretty young things.


Daniel said...

Terry Fox died a matyr. Great man.

Chelonia Munnster said...

thanks for spreading the word for me dude! I'll sign you guys up.

remember to take pics of me okay?!?! haha...

Anonymous said...

I will be joining!! @.@ u there!


moby sky said...

jo...can you be more cockanoddin than that?

daniel...yeah...he's an inspiration.'s ok...i think i've done enough by helping you to get people to join already...i really don't want my camera lens to crack lah...muahahahaha.

frog...err...ok...see you there too! hope your legs won't be on my dinner plate after that though...hahaha.