Thursday, September 08, 2005

se7en things

in response to a true blue mobydicksky fan, of the few avid readers whom i don't personally know...i will humour her and do the "se7en things" questionaire thingy that she completed as well...which she wanted me to do as may come as a surprise who don't know me that well...or even to those who deem to know me inside out.

se7en things that scare me:

1. the dark (ever since i was a kid, i've always been scared shitless of those monsters under my bed)

2. not settling down and having a family (ever since i broke up with adeline, i've always been scared shitless of those lonely years ahead without a perfect mate and offspring)

3. getting hit by another golfer's ball / club when i go to the driving range (ever since i saw those dents in the metal dividers at the queenstown driving range, i've always been scared shitless of being on the receiving end of someone else's slice)

4. sitting on bar stools (ever since i got so drunk that i fell off a barstool at zouk and nursed a fat lip for 1 month, i have been scared shitless of those buggers.)

5. sleeping in the afternoon (ever since i read billy's blog about the night of the crusher and realised that i had the same problems, i've been scared shitless of sleeping when i'm not drunk.)

6. extreme heat (ever since i've been wearing long sleeve shirts and pants to work, i've been sweating buckets...damn gross.)

7. sharks in swimming pools (ever since i started swimming in the states, i've always been scared shitless of that great white who would come after me in the deep diving end where you can't see the bottom.)

se7en things i like most about me:

1. my smile (someone once told me that i had a million dollars...but then i wish it were monetary.)

2. my bomberman record (someone once told me that i was the legandary indestructable dark blue bomberman...but then i wish it were permanent.)

3. my blog (someone once told me that i had an "excellent blog"...but then i wish it weren't an anonymous comment from a spamster.)

4. my trophy cabinet (someone once told me that i'm a jock, but then i wish i had more medals and less brains to fit that description.)

5. my viola (someone once told me that i should continue practising, but then i wish i had more motivation to do so.)

6. my love for animals (someone once told me that i should be a vet, but then i wish it became true.)

7. my devotion to every single relationship (someone once told me that i was too intense, but then i wish they were wrong.)

se7en most important thing in my room:

1. my laptop (how to blog without it?)

2. my viola (how to impress girls without it?)

3. my boxers (how to live without them?)

4. my fishtank (how can they live without me?)

5. my liverpool scarf & banner (how to support the reds without them?)

6. my ruler (how to make nice birthday cards for girls without it?)

7. my extra mattress (how to support other people staying over without it? muahahaha.)

se7en random facts about me:

1. i have small eyes (as if you didn't know)

2. i have the 豆花 (tao hui) from the market downstairs everyday (as if you didn't know)

3. i have to make my entries on my blog exactly the way i want them to be (aligned and justified) before i publish them (as if you didn't know)

4. i have a slightly bigger left foot by 1/2 a shoe size (as if you didn't know)

5. i have a tendency to sleep on my right side (as if you didn't know)

6. i have never read enid blyton (as if you didn't know)

7. i have tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter (as if you didn't know)

se7en things i plan to do before i die:

1. get the perfect girl.

2. get the perfect woman.

3. get married to the perfect woman.

4. get babies with the perfect woman.

5. get babies through school / university.

6. get a wig.

7. get a life.

se7en things i can do:

1. get the perfect girl.

2. get the perfect woman.

3. get married to the perfect woman.

4. get babies with the perfect woman.

5. get babies through school / university.

6. get a wig.

7. get a life.

se7en things i can't do:

1. crawl through small enclosed spaces (yeah, i'm a claustrophobiac)

2. stand being played out (yeah, i'm a stickler)

3. believe that i'm 27 already (yeah, i'm a late-20's-person)

4. get with a girl who puts on a shitload of make-up (yeah, unless you're zoe tay or fiona xie)

5. watch horror movies (yeah, i'm a pussy)

6. make the rain go away (yeah, i'm a mortal)

7. get you outta my head (yeah, i'm a kylie fan)

se7en things i say the most:

1. wow

2. wowsers

3. err...

4. huh?

5. har?

6. i wish...

7. you wish.

se7en celebrity crushes:

1. zoe tay

2. fiona xie

3. i-don't-really-like-celebrities-cuz-they-will-only-make-you-feel-ugly

4. i-don't-really-like-celebrities-cuz-they-will-only-make-you-feel-like-a-genuis

5. i-don't-really-like-celebrities-cuz-they-will-only-make-you-feel-horny

6. dunnowho

7. dunnowhoelse

se7en people who i'd like to see do this:

hmmm...i can only think of one...i think nobody should do it...muahaha. =)


Adrian said...

You do have an excellent blog, dude. Just not quite as good as mine, of course, heheheheh.

Anonymous said...

Linkin Park fan?


moby sky said...

adrian...excellent comment. hahaha.

anonymous...hmmm...why made you say that?? hahaha.