Saturday, January 19, 2008

breakfast craving

i've been having this craving every morning for the longest time...

but my inability to wake up early enough on weekdays meant that i could not satisfy this craving before i go to the office...(which also means that i normally miss the most important meal of the day..bad).

so, i made it a point to wake up before 12pm today...and i went downstairs to queen's hawker centre to buy some stuff...

introducing my breakfast craving...

you tiao (油条)

and his sidekick...

soya bean juice, dou jiang (豆浆), or dou nai (豆奶)

they work well together...hehe.

i remember the days back in taiwan, when we would wake up to the wonderful aromas of breakfast in the kitchen...we'd not only have you tiao and dou jiang, but also dan bing (蛋饼), luo bo gao (萝卜糕) and other taiwanese delicacies from time to time.

but my favourite was the simple you tiao / dou jiang combination...add a newspapaer, and you get the perfect saturday morning breakfast. =)

cheers. =)

1 comment:

furfur angel said...

the combo sandwich from Taiwan, I luv!