one of the things in singapore i have always been surprised by is the driver's unwillingness to give way to an emergency vehicle (i.e. - ambulance / police car).
in the states, you HAVE to pull over to the side of the road to let such a vehicle through. it's
against the law otherwise. in fact, these vehicles are allowed to run red lights, and people on either sides of the roads are obliged to stop for them...simply because it only happens in an EMERGENCY.
i know what some of you are gonna say...
"aiyah, some of these people abuse their powers lah"...but what's 1 minute (or even 5 minutes) of your time, compared to someone who's losing blood by the second? what if it was your mom or dad who had been in an accident? would you wanna be the one to say
"who cares, he might be bluffing"?
anyway, what led to this outburst was an incident this afternoon...
i heard on the radio that there had been an accident at the marymount lane and lornie road junction...just as i reached lornie road.
a few seconds later, i saw a police car with sirens and strobelights blaring in my rear view mirror, so i gave way to the white wrx, which zoomed past the skymobile.
ten seconds after that, he got stuck in traffic.
i mean, he was really stuck in traffic. the cars in the centre lane obviously didn't bother to either: 1. give way to let the cars in front of the police car shift over to the left so that the police car can go through, or 2. stop and give way to the police car. instead, it was bumper to bumper stuff.
just look at that black lancer...i have come to think that his grandfather owns lornie road. bastard.
this kinda got me boiled, so i cut into the centre lane, and just stopped...
and to those idiots honking behind...
fuck you.
the police car eventually managed to wiggle his way through to the accident site...which involved a lorry overturned on it's side...and a taxi. i don't even need to tell you who's fault it was cuz i think you know already.
no, i didn't take pictures of the accident cuz i think it'd be disrespectful to the occupants in the lorry...and no, i didn't take down the license plate numbers either cuz i don't believe in making money from other people's tragedies.
speaking of which, the jam on the OPPOSITE side of the road was quite frightening as all know what i'm talking about.
moral of the story: get the hell out of the way when you hear a siren and see flashing blue lights behind you. don't be selfish.(p.s. - if the traffic police are reading this, please don't include it in the "courtesy driving campaign" crap that you're doing now...why should you be rewarded to do something that you should natually be doing once you possess a driver's license? as if any of these campaigns work in the first place...fine the offenders lah! make new laws lah! this is one area that i think you should copy the americans.)